No Time To Plan
There are many times I receive phone calls from new parents that they’re little one has already arrived. They are usually having a mini panic attack not realizing these sessions are typically planned months in advance. I’ve become that photographer that actually enjoys this call. It’s so easy to calm down a new mom, telling her no worries, I have everything here at my home studio for you… when would you like to come in? Instant calm takes over.
Now the countdown begins. How many days old is she and if I can get her here within a happy 14 day window, all is good in the world. It doesn’t leave much time to plan, but that’s perfectly okay. Besides talking color preferences or unique interests, all I really need is baby.
Shannon actually contacted me 2 days before Willow’s arrival. We scheduled Willow’s session for when she would be 8 days old. The timing of her session would be perfect.
Mom Loves Mermaids
Talking with Shannon 3 days before Willow’s portrait session, I learned that Shannon had a mermaid obsession. These are things I love. Not necessarily mermaids, but little things that mean something special to the parents. Simply incorporating something special into their baby’s portraits makes a session unique.
Shannon told me that she had a mermaid doll she was going to bring with her. 100% of the time, parents don’t realize just how large and bulky their dolls or toys are next to their teeny newborn. My reaction is the same as being told they bought a crochet outfit on Etsy. Please, no crochet. I don’t like “stuff” in newborn photos. I’m not a prop-y photographer. I’m all about capturing the baby with simple and gorgeous touches. Adding too much detracts from what’s most important, their darling angel.
Making of the Mermaid
I knew exactly what we needed. A little hand felted mermaid doll. Remember, we only had a couple of days before Willow’s session. I immediately got in touch with an amazing vendor, Ksenia. I contacted her that night and although she didn’t have a mermaid made and ready to ship, she had a solution. She had already started creating a little doll which she told me she could turn into a mermaid for my client. Everything about this was custom. My client and her baby both had red hair and the nursery was purple. All throughout the night, Ksenia and I worked together to create the most beautiful custom felted mermaid for Willow’s portrait session. Adding bling and braiding the dolls hair… every little detail was planned. Even down to the color gradation on the mermaid tail. Ksenia and I were perfectionists. I love how we came together on this. You have to visit her store… she’s amazing and can create anything your heart desires. If you visit, please tell her I sent you!
Check out a few behind the scene photos…
We worked so hard to get that doll here in time for Willow’s session but the post office was going to put a kink in our plans. Luckily, after rushing to the post office two hours before her session to have them track her down, the precious doll was in my possession. Mission complete and no thanks to our postal friends.
Red Headed and Unsettled
I bet you wouldn’t realize from Willow’s pictures below, but she was so sensitive to my touch. I couldn’t do all the poses I had planned but we made the most of it together. Shannon and William were fantastic and I honestly feel that the energy from the parents makes all the difference. They were lovely and just so in love with their baby. And let’s talk hair. I love purple with little red headed baby girls. Bring me your red headed little babies, my new favorite.